Specialty Workstations

Outside the Box Solutions for Your Unique Needs

Workplace offers specialty designed workstations that are tailored to specific industry applications. Scroll through some of our most popular specialty solutions here, or search our applications page to find one specific to your industry. Still can’t find what your looking for? We can build you a custom designed workstation to address your distinct needs and requirements.  Talk to one of our Design Specialists today to learn more.

Heavy duty workstation

Mass Spectrometry Workstation

The flexibility and high sensitivity required of these workstations make them indispensable tools in both laboratory and academic settings, contributing to advancements in fields such as drug discovery, environmental monitoring, biomolecular research, and more. The integration of mass spectrometry into a dedicated workstation enhances efficiency, accuracy, and the overall capabilities of analytical laboratories.

Packing and Shipping Workstation

Components such as barcode scanners, label printers, and packaging materials are easily integrated  into the workstation, facilitating quick and error-free processing. The layout is carefully planned to minimize unnecessary movement, enhancing workflow efficiency. With a focus on durability and adaptability, these workstations are built to withstand the demands of high-volume operations while remaining flexible enough to accommodate evolving shipping and packaging requirements. Investing in well-designed packing and shipping receiving workstations is key to optimizing logistics processes and ensuring customer satisfaction through timely and accurate deliveries.

Workstations by Application

Search through our varied workstations by application.

Workplace Experience

Learn more about the Workplace experience. Our hands-on approach ensures you have the perfect product to fit your needs.





